Game Engine

Vivid Game Engine

The time has finally come to develop a game engine. Where to start? What to do? This series should answer these questions to some degree.

Table of Contents

All blog posts with the game engine tag can be found here.

Chapter 1: Introduction

  1. Project structure 
  2. Project setup
  3. Memory tracker
  4. Window setup
  5. Multithreading?
  6. Benchmarking Fibers
  7. Beginner multithreading
  8. Sewing and Marl
  9. FiberTaskingLib and Fiber-job-system
  10. Fiber benchmark conclusion
  11. empty

Chapter 2: Expansion

Chapter 3: Revision


Here are some places, connected to Vivid Engine / Vivid Project.

External Resources

Although useful resources are mentioned here and there throughout my posts, here is a list of some useful links that are common, important or just didn't make the cut.
